Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why Dr.Phil pissed me off....

Ok, I get it - really I do. I know that there is this love/hate relationship with Dr. Phil and I understand why. Here he is, this big ol' Texan, with his psycho - babble and even worse...a confrontational up in your face, getting in your biz guy that Oprah loves.

So, the other I am sure you all have heard - one of his producers bail out this juvenile delinquint cheerleader Mercedes Nichols, after she beats the crap out of her "friend" knocking her unconcious at points. Now granted, she was not alone in this fray, and inevitably had her little cheerleading henchmen, "ra ra" their fists into the skull of their peer, Victoria Lindsay. Of the eight charged in the attack, two remain behind bars in the Polk County jail. All of the teens, who will be tried as adults, face a felony charge of witness tampering, kidnapping and misdemeanor battery charges. Friday a judge set bail for the teens, whose ages range from 14 to 18 years old, from $30,000 to $37,000 (CBS4, April 13 2008: "Dr. Phil" Posts Bail For Teen Accused In Beating).

If that were not enough - these retarded cheerleaders thought they would be clever and video document their contribution to the betterment of society. If you feel like being offended at all , here is the link (warning, this is a very violent video):

Well firstly, Dr. Phil claims that a producer went ahead without his knowledge, and here is something that I know as business owner. Granted - Dr. Phil makes WAY more than me, but one thing is for certain - as a producer you do not invest any money into something that you believe won't make bigger returns than what you invested. $30 000 may be pennies to producers at the Dr. Phil show, but there have been Hollywood blockbusters made with less than that. Get what I'm saying? For someone to take a sizeable amount of money to bail someone out of jail, I don't think it takes a brain doctor to know that many people would have had to say ok to the moving of money. As a previous employee of the banking industry I can verify that moving amounts of more than $10 000 in one transaction involves a lot of red tape, and there is no one that has $30 000 in cash available on a moments notice.

Dr. Phil knew. And just like he pulled the Brittney Spears program - he has now pulled the program on this gril. His son claims to be advocating against bullying in school and yet they endorse a young woman financially that has clearly caused a significant amount of distress in someone else's life. As a previous victim of bullying in my highschool years, I can attest that there are things and effects that will transpire throughout Victoria Linday's life that she won't even realize are associated with this event.

Dr. Phil should have spent that money tending to the psychological, emotional, and physical needs of this young woman - who could quite possibly be a terrible friend or commrade - but no one deserves physcial assault - and more poignantly no one should be made into a TV star for breaking the law. (Yes, I know that this has happened many a time before!) Dr. Phil wants to teach responsibilty to his viewers, and those who choose to come on his show - but Dr. Phil fails to realize that there are all different types of responsibilities - especially one called social responsibility.

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Blogger THE CAPTIN said...

I agree with Stefany. Sometimes I don't know who this guy thinks he is. I guess we should just bail everyone out and tell them that we will help them. Maby we have it all wrong. Insted of paying tax dollars to prisions we should hire Doctor (doorknob) Phil and everyone will be in a better place.

April 18, 2008 at 6:29 AM  

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