Why I decided to Blog...

Good question.
So here I am at 26, wondering what the hell I am doing with my life. As many of you know I own a production company that I started when I was 22, and everyday of my life I wonder if I made the right decision. Really it is true. Lots of the time when people go out there and talk about their successes, they fail too mention just what challenges a small business owner faces, and if anyone told you otherwise, they must have been really lucky, financially able to take massive risks, or completely delusional.
I wonder, have other small business owners had near nervous breakdowns and slumps of depression? Do they contemplate giving it all up and disappearing... or is it just me? I realize that I have lots of things to say, and lots of experience to back that up - and really no one that I can share that with because as a business owner we know that perception is everything. Perception in the world of buisness is what makes or breaks business.
Being a television producer in Canada has got to be one the worst ideas I have ever come up with! Who knew that Canada really has a messed up system in supporting arts and entertainment. All those fights that were happening with the government and schools regarding Arts Education cut backs....I didn't get it then, but I certainly get it now.
I want to write a book, what about exactly? I am not so sure, but there is a book somewhere in the midst of my madness - which leads me back to my original discussion and the purpose of blogging. I want to be able to write about my experience, the things that I am facing as a business owner and a television producer. Interestingly enough, our editor for the television series right now spoke to us about involving our lives in the show. At first I was not to keen on the idea because for me, I honestly and truly beleive that the most successful producers have been behind the scenes. Yes, I loved being the center of the universe in my party days, and my share of being in the media, but there has to be something more.
But as the other producers and I sat and talked about it, we began to realize that people have no idea what it takes to get into something like what it is that we do. No idea. They have no idea how many times we have received doors being slammed in our faces, the stress, the lack of sleep...all they see is the final product and assume that we must be millionaires to make our projects work. So...I guess you could say this is also another medium for me. Maybe you'll read what I have to say - maybe you won't - but either way it still remains - I need to write a book!
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