Why the TTC pisses me off....

TORONTO – April 17, 2008 – The Toronto Transit Commission remains committed to reaching a negotiated settlement with its three unions: a settlement that is fair for its employees and affordable for the people of Toronto. The TTC and its unions are not yet in agreement on how to achieve that goal. The TTC’s bargaining team, however, is working hard to reach a fair deal, and will continue to do so.
The Toronto Transit Commission is mindful of the public’s frustration and uncertainty about a service disruption; its employees, however, deserve nothing less than to continue to be treated with dignity and respect. The Toronto Transit Commission will not comment on the threat of job action at this time. Its focus remains on reaching a fair, negotiated settlement.
(Source: http://www.toronto.ca/ttc/newsrelease.html)
Like seriously, are you f*%#king kidding me? Has anyone checked what TTC employees earn? I'm not saying that I want to drive a bus around all day, and especially not in rush hour - but come on! There are nurses and doctors out there who do not make as much as some TTC employees. Riding the TTC everyday too and from work, I have noticed the increase in delays and constant problems that are what have become the norm these days...but there is a part of me that is inclined to believe that often times these "delays" are done on purpose to prove their point, by crippling the system and making it unpleasant enough that riders will voice complaints about their service, so they can further justify their point.
Yes I know - conspiracty talk, now the union is gonna hunt me down...but don't we all want more money? There was a recent study the other day about the fact that most Canadians are over qualified for the positions that they hold, and many people have to deal with crap they shouldn't; like teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Homeless people that make careers out of it, bank tellers. Hellooooo - it is called real life! We all know that they(the TTC) are not going to strike, and they are now twisting arms to get what they want, and the reality is TTC workers will be forced back to work anyways. Here's a thought - why not take the money and purchases more buses, and invest in expanding the subway system.
They recently released a study showing that TTC workers face the equivalent of going into war...or something insane like that. They want more compensation because of the "abuse and post traumatic stress" they face, including 100% pay if they are injured on the job. Are they stating that "If you pay me more, than I will put up with more shit"? I'm no Harvard scholar - but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that paying them more will not alleviate their stresses that they face daily on the job. Perhaps they need to look at spending money in areas of training, operationg effeciencies, and preventative measures.
And another thing - absolutely no one deserves to be physically abused. I start my sentence with that because of the rise of abuse towards TTC bus drivers, but I would like to offer the TTC some advice. HOW ABOUT TEACHING YOUR BUS DRIVERS SOME MANNERS???? How about offering them courses in dealing with the public? How about if they don't want to deal with the public than you don't hire them to drive your buses? Man! Some of these people have got to be the rudist, nastiest people I've ever met.
I've seen people ask bus drivers for directions (as in "Does this bus go to X") in which they do not respond, or respond with "Didn't you check the map before you boarded?" I've seen TTC personnel blame people for doing things that they never did. I once went to purchase adult tickets and asked for 10, the operator gave me 5 - so I politely pointed out that I asked for 10 adult tickets. Her snarky response: "I don't have 10 adult tickets, if I did I wouldn't have given you the 5." It's incredulous! No wonder people are beating them up!
Any buisness that offers a service knows that your frontline people play a pivotal role in representing your organization since they are the ones dealing with the people who use your service. If your frontline people are creating or adding to the problem - PAYING THEM MORE IS NOT GOING TO FIX IT!
There are many TTC people that rightly need a knock upside the head and get themselves in check - and I don't mean physically...although there have been several occasions where I have really wanted to smack a couple of them. Conflict of any sort is the result of mismanaged situations. TTC employees should be trained in conflict managment, and how to prevent conflict escalation - because if anyone has ridden the TTC I know that you know that MANY TTC bus drivers antagonize the situation. People... be armed and pull out your cell phone cameras - document rude TTC personnel and post it on YouTube - and let me know when you do!
Now I am all fired up! Damn this stupid strike - this is the reason why people hate unions. The TTC is already unpleasant enough as it is - the people who work there also don't have to be, and then demand to paid more for it!
For the nice TTC people. Thank you
As an additional tidbit - this guys article also rocks: http://www.ryersonline.ca/articles/2526/1/TTC-riders-are-mad-as-hell/Page1.html
Word to your Mama.
Thank you to my 1 reader and commentor "The Captin".
Labels: Ontario, Public Transit, Toronto, Toronto Transit Commission, TTC
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