Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nominated Again!

I just want to send out a special thank you to the anonymous person that nominated me for the 2008 - 2009 Who's Who of International Entrepreneurs. Who knows if I will get it, but it certainly is an honour!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 44th President of The USA

This morning all I could think about when I got up was, "today the 44th president of the United States was going to be inaugurated (and no longer called the President-Elect)!" Which was also for me, is a little strange, because I really don't care that much about America - after all I am proudly Canadian.

Needless to say, I was so excited seeing him on television, and experienced feeling a little saddened that I had not made a last minute decision to board a bus to Washington. I mean who wouldn't want to be there in person? One day if I ever have children, if they ever ask me where I was the day the first African-American president was inaugurated... I may consider lying and saying that I was there, rather than confirming that I was in my family room in my pj's.

The whole world tuned in today, and I think anyone watching that could feel the eyes of the world there. I mean the whole world probably feels a little upside down right now - especially other parts of the world who have yet to let go of their racist practices. While I was hoping for a little more of a moving speech, I think that there were some ideas that resonated with me. Especially when he mentioned those that blame the west for their problems, that they are judged by what they build and not what they destroy. I felt that those were powerful words that all of us need to learn from. We will always be judged by what we build and not what we destroy, or intend to destroy. That includes people.
He mentioned that less than 60 years ago, his father would not be served at a restaurant - and today his son was being inaugurated as the President of the United States. That hit home for many American's and Canadians I am sure, because there are many of those individuals who are alive today, who experienced the terrible atrocities that occurred in attempting to make blacks and whites equal in the United States.
His position in office, shows just how far the world has come, and how this open mindedness of the west can influence and inspire the world. I hope with him in office we will see the decline of hate groups, and that his call to service will see a new generation giving and growing and developing. I hope that parts of the world that have suffered endlessly with political violence, and instability take this as a sign. The world has changed. What the world wants is peace, what families want is a safe place to raise their children, what children want is to acheive their dreams.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009


Yes we can!

Although a dated post, Mr. Obama has been in my thoughts for a while.

It is amazing to see that we have reached a day and time, when the highest paid television personality would be an African American female, followed by an African American male in charge of the most powerful country in the world. The world is changing, and I hope that these powerful influences will be the first step in creating a new world that is decisively linked to empowering everyone.

For so long, visible minority groups have been at a disadvantage in the arena of finance and politics, and it is important to have leaders who are visible minorities that support where they came from, but also do not use that as an excuse. Instead they have proved the exact opposite, that hard work, dedication, and a true passion for what it is that you are involved in, is ultimately what will win the race.

I have to say that while I am a Canadian citizen, our elections are no where near as entertaining as American politics, and we never have that great of a selection when it comes to our available candidates.

My only fear for Mr. Obama, is that he is now left in the wake of the disaster created by George W. Bush, and responsible for turning around 8 years of damage. In the first term of him in office I can see that the American public will be forgiving of any items that may not have been delivered as planned. However, should he move into his second term, if things do not have a positive turn that the American public likes, he will likely be blamed for the inability to correct the problems created by Mr. Bush Jr.

Mr. Obama's time in office will serve to be a source of inspiration during economic hard times, and to the whole world. While I was hoping that Hilary Clinton would have been his second in command, I do think Barack Obama will show the world that his "Yes We Can", slogan will indeed become a testament to change, breaking barriers, and influencing the world.

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