Sunday, February 22, 2009

Follow my new address for my blog!

Hey everyone,

I finally succeeded in moving my blog to a new home. It was actually quite easy to transfer everything over -easier than I had anticipated. It is not that I do not love blogger because they do offer a lot more free options where as my new home does require a paid yearly fee if you want to transfer your blog to a website as I had this one doing originally.

However, I like the new set up because it offers more design choices, and the ability to add more pages. With that said, typing in my original url: - will now redirect you to my new blog.

Happy blogging!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Transferring to Word Press

Hey everyone,

I am currently working on transferring my blog to Wordpress. Not because I don't love blogger - which I certainly do - but because I wanted to be able to be more creative with the design of my blog. Unfortuneatly because I was hosting my blog on my personal site, blogspot does not allow you to have a really pretty and unique look!

So as of right now the look of this blog is pretty grim...I know...I reset the entire thing and lost all of the links to all of the things that stroke my ego. OK - find me on twitter if your missing me!