Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Celebrity Drama: Paula is still a Crackhead!

Yay Paula!!! If any of you have ever seen her reality show, you know that she is prone to very odd behaviour. But you gotta love it - I wonder how long she will last on Idol? Long time - since she always makes the news for her brainless activitiy. Yay!!! Money, Prescription Pain Killers, and Booze = Paula on TV!!!

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Celebrity Drama: Miley Cyrus's racy photos

Miley, Miley, Miley. Or should we say Billy, Billy, Billy. Her dad was at the shoot, and so was her Momma. So they all thought that she would look great being topless on a magazine cover. I have to say the Vanity Fair photo is definitely not as bad as her "personal photos" - so why wouldn't her dad endorse the future billionaire to be?

I'm not a dragon or living in a bubble...yes I get it, the world has changed and she is a teen growing up in Hollywood. She has the pressure to be perfect, and perhaps even more so, pressured to grow up a little faster than most teens, but Miley Cyrus has proved to me why my daughter or son will never be allowed to use a computer in their bedrooms. Miley has convinced me that I will have to have those parental security programs on my computer to track my children's activites, because with their cell phones having the ability to take photos, and with Facebook and MySpace dominating their existence - teens can go from hero to zero in a nanosecond.

Miley Cyrus is 15 years old. 15. Let me repeat that. 15 years old. I was 15, 10 years ago... so I haven't forgotten what it is to be 15. I was definitley boy crazy, that was something I clearly recall, falling in love with any boy that walked by me frankly. My girlfriend and I would look forward to going to the all ages clubs and Canada's Wonderland, so that our world could be full of handsome boys, short boys, gangsta boys, tall boys, muscle boys, gino boys, lots of boys.

I can't recall EVER, taking underwear shots with my girls, and NEVER letting anyone get their hands on them that is FOR SURE! I don't understand young hollywood - and I think that old hollywood and young hollywood are at a cross roads. I mean let's get real here, I am sure that there are many crack heads up in the ranks - but at least they kept that shiznat on the DL.

If I saw a photo of my 15 year old daughter flashing her panties and bras on the camera - the last thing I would do is let her pretend to be topless on Vanity Fair. I am not stating that it is not an artistic representation of whatever - but I would save the art for adulthood. Billy needs to take reign of the situation and look at the fall from grace Britney and the Olsen twins took. Fame and childhood seems to be toxic combo, and the last thing that any child needs, is to have parents who pimp her out for kick backs in their retirement. I used to think that Hannah Montanna was a safe bet, after Vanessa Hudgens bared her twat for the world to see and ruined my Highshool Musical innocense ...but Miley's pushing the envelope.

Bettcha at 18 we get a centerfold for Playboy! Bettcha Billy Ray will be there for those photos too!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miss Universe Canada 2008

Congratulations goes out to Samantha Tajik aka Tianna Loxx for her win on Monday night as the 2008 Miss Universe Canada titleholder. In 2 months she will represent Canada, at Miss Universe in Vietnam.

I can't really say that I was surprised at the win, although I would have like to see Alexandra Malkin win, only because she seemed much more genuine - don't get me wrong I understand why Samantha won, she is a beautiful girl and she has a lot of experience...consider that she won International Model of the World last year, and has been modelling for several years in Canada...but there is something that is missing from her, that sincerety that Natalie Glebova had that was so endearing to the country.

Samantha competed last year in Miss Universe Canada and did not win - much like the similar fate of Natalie - who when competed in 2004 did not win only to come back in 2005 win the Canadian title and then go on to win Miss Universe. Perhaps Samantha may follow suit? Really it is very hard to say.

She needs a lot of refining - she's worked very hard at creating that "sex kitten" image that is so well associated with her alter ego "Tianna Loxx". Her portfoilo includes very super sexy images of her pulling at her bikini, and wearing cobra snakes. She often made appearances scantily clad at car shows - the place where models come to give it all up, and where wannabe's come for attention from anyone that will give it. This of course is hardly suiting for a titleholder.

That being said, I give Samantha credit. She took down her Tianna Loxx site, while there are still those racy photos floating around out there (remember people when you put things up on the internet it is FOREVER) for the most part they are gone, and she cleaned up her act and went back for round two of MUC. I hope that the Beauties of Canada organization work on creating that elegant and graceful image that is associated with titleholders - and when you are used to being a sex kitten, this can be somewhat of a challenge. She has to learn how to use her beauty to send different messages.

If she can hone her skills in the right way than I think that we may have a good chance of placing at this year's Miss Universe. I don't know if we will be winning a title this year - only because Mr. Trump already got his Trump tower approved in Toronto shortly after Natalie won... not saying anything.....or am I?

Anyways - congratulations Samantha - you can be a strong candidate, you just need to identify your weaknesses and strengthen them!

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Why the TTC pisses me off #3

Do you know that those F@#!ers, went on strike over the weekend without any notice. All because of the fact that they didn't get all of the things that they wanted. I am absolutely SERIOUS!

On Friday at midnight, ATU (Amalgamated Transit Union) 113, walked off the job leaving thousands of Torontonians stranded without a word. Meaning that many party goers or those travelling to the downtown core were left there with no means of a way to get back home. Imagine those who may not have walked with any cash or credit on them??? Some people walked for hours home.

Irresponsible pieces of TTC my ass - TOTALLY TWISTED C!@TS is more like it. The government has legislated back to work rulings. Absolutely incredulous!

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The Most Disturbing Abuse Case of All Time

My heart goes out to Elizabeth F., who's 73 year old father kept her captive in a hidden underground room for 24 years and fathered 7 children through forced sex with her. The world is so speechless and cannot wrap their minds around this atrocity.
Of the 7 children, 1 died shortly after birth and he burnt the body. He kept 3 of the children upstairs with his wife, and the other 3 were left down below with Elizabeth. DNA tests actually revealed that he was indeed the father of all 6 children, and had led his wife to believe that Elisabeth F. had run away to join a relgious cult.
The evils that are prevelant in this world are sometimes so twisted and far from human dignity that information of this sort just does not connect with the normal human mind. Authorities in Austria - the homeland of what is now termed the "House of Horrors", also cannot yet comprehend what would cause him to do this. The irony is that Elisabeth (the captive daughter), had other siblings who lived in the home, and had no idea that their father was living a "double life".
I find it very hard to beleive that this man would have only sexually abusive tendencies towards one child alone and leave every other child alone. It is totally unheard of that a child molestar is able to "constrain" themselves. I beleive that Mr. Josef F., was an abusive and controlling man, that harmed his wife and other children, and has had them living so much in fear that even upon this discovery - which any mother would suspect - they have yet to "out" the true devil that he is. For him to die quickly in prison would be an easy escape after providing 24 years of terror to this young woman and her children.
It is at times like this that I wonder how there can be a God, and what is it that we are possibly supposed to take away from this story? How can someone like Elisabeth every function again in life - how can her 3 children function? What is the lesson here? Why would God let something like this happen to anyone - and would it not have been better for her die before birthing children in that small and dark room?
All I know is that she must be a strong women to have endured all of that, and I pray for her and those poor children. I hope that she lands a billion dollar deal for a book about her life, and while that is never going to giver her, her life back - it will at least in some very minimal way make up for absolutely everything that she has lost...her mind, her sanity, her innocense, her trust, and her belief in humanity.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Advice: Responding to Clueless101

Dear Clueless101,

I hope that you revisit my blog and know that I did read your comment and that is why I writing to you here.

Life in middle school and high school are certainly not easy at all - and I am glad that you can relate to my story because that means that I can relate to you! Ironically I have really dry skin too!!!! In fact I'm itching away at my face as we speak - AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH it is is driving me bananas! In fact I have always suffered with my skin, because I have a skin condition called eczema. At the conference Nicole spoke about her experience with eczema, which is always really hard to deal with.

The reality about the girls that are making your life difficult at school, is that those are girls who do not love themselves...they are so aware of their own insecurities and imperfections that they do not want other people to notice - so the easiest way for them to prevent that is to draw attention to someone else.

Right off the bat, I can let you know that none of the guest speakers would think these girls are cool at all. In fact these are people whose lives are so boring and suck so badly, that they spend their time talking about others. It's harsh to say - but its true! As the saying goes "Great minds discuss ideas, small minds discuss people." The reality is, is that many people that are bullies have a lot of personal problems in their lives. These girls probably have problems in their families, perhaps are being called names themselves - and this is their way of lashing out.

The first thing to establish is - do you have a group of friends? Real friends? Ones that you are certain that you can trust? If you do, this is a great tool that will be able to help combat these bullies. IF you do not - than we need to work on establishing you a group of friends that you can trust.

The second thing is to talk to your parents. Let them know what is happening. Immediately they will probably want to jump in and go to the school, and of course I am sure that you want to avoid that, but it is very important that your parents know what is going on in your life, so that they are also prepared. Sometimes parents forget what it is like to be a kid - and forget how tough growing up can be. I would suggest approaching them and asking if you can talk to them privately about something very important to you - but that it is very important to you that they respect that you would like their help to figure out how to handle it yourself, rather than them intervening and trying to fix it for you.

Secondly, you need to speak about it with a teacher at school that you trust. Speaking about bullying means that you do not tolerate it - and at your school they are trying their best to look at ways that they can make this situation better -but they can only help if they know what is going on!

Lastly, taking care of your health will also help with your skin. Drink lots of water and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

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Friday, April 25, 2008

My experience at Cheyne Middle School

Move and be moved. Inspire and be inspired. Take the challenge and step forward. Rise to the occasion. Be responsible and own your actions both postive and negative. This was my message to the young women at Cheyne Middle School.

When I was first offered the opportunity to speak at the "Dove Girls Conference", and Cheyne Middle School, I realized that this was not about my company. I know that I could have used this as a platform to recruit young women, or entice them into the world of modelling - and of course solicit for my roster.

However, to me this was not the purpose of going there to speak. I am honestly a believer that people will believe in my company if they believe in me. They will support my company if they support me. If the public knows where the head of the organization stands on any topic, if they can physically see that I am making a difference - or at least attempting to make a difference with the young women of the day; than they will be able to be comfortable in knowing that we need to prides ourselves on building up and not others tearing down.

In the same way that those young women were learning from me both yesterday and today, I was learning from them. I was able to see that the world that I remember to be grade 7 & 8, is not the world that we are living in today. I was also able to prove that being in a position of power is definitely one that you can use to make a difference, and I can only hope that the young women of the school really felt, and heard my words. It is so important that young women learn to love and respect themselves - this is by far more important than trying to fit in with other people. If you cannot love yourself, you will not be able to love others.

For any of the fierce ladies at Cheyne that happens upon this blog - peace and love - and I hope that you find your path in life. Know that all of the guest speakers at your school over the last 2 days were there because we really care about the well being of your future, and want to show you that women pull together, we are so much stronger than when we are tearing one another apart (Shout outs: to Nicole and Lisa who were also guest speakers). May you be a source of inspiration to others in your life, and leave those that tear you down behind!

One love.

See all of the FMM students on Monday for my guest speaking appearance there!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Beautiful Inspirations

I am always up for guest speaking - especially when we are speaking of young girls and women who have the wrong perception of what it means to be beautiful.

This week I've been asked to be a guest speaker at the Dove Conference taking place in Brampton, which is aimed at girls in Grades 7 & 8, assisting them with self-esteem and body image - among other things.

I do see the dichotomy and paradigm conflicts of which I am faced with. How can I possibly be an advocate or role model, when my company perpetuates the idea of beauty that young women strive to mimick.

My response is really quite simple...the name of my company is the first part of understanding where I stand on this issue. ES Team Productions. often times people make the mistake of pronouncing the first two letters independantly as in "E" and then "S"; however, those two letters are supposed to be pronounced together, and phonectically making the "S" sound. Those two letters represent the first name of my mother "Elizabeth", and the second letter my name. We are a mother/daughter "team" that promote self "esteam" in women.

If women coming to me are looking for us to fill a void that they are missing. We cannot do that - there is no way that we can help someone with the psychological battle they are fighting with themselves - and if seeking to become part of a modelling agency or joining a pageant makes one think that this will assist their insecurities, here is where they make a very serious error. These types of activities exacerbate these insecurities, since in essence you are competing for positions in castings or for a title. The reality is, is that most women that join our pageant system are usually strong, indpendant, and confident women who are seeking to challenge themselves, network, and meet other like-minded individuals.

Because Latin culture and people are so diverse, there really is no one set definition of what constitutues beauty. Latin beauty invloves the celebration of curves, and width because we understand that bodies differ based on ethnicity and sheer DNA. Our winners reflect this - light skinned, dark skinned, tall, short, in between, different countries. Each one of these women have their own insecurities and vices that they fight within themselves - and should you take a moment and speak with them, it is easy to find out that what they value more than their education.

The unfortunate part of the general public that gets caught up with ideals in magazines and billboards, is that they often forget that for many people they are looking at - THIS IS A JOB. If you were a doctor you would be expected to perfect your skill, if you were a lawyer you would be expected to be the best at knowing the laws, if you are a model - you are expected to be the best physical self you that you can be.

I hope that I can translate to these young women, that loving themself is by far more the best thing that they can do for themselves. I hope that they know that I am a strong and independant business owner - not because I placed value in they way I looked, but placed value in how I felt - and that making other feel good about themselves and highlighting that was the premise of starting a business that was "by women, for women".

All it takes is one person in a position of power and influence to cater and influence a young mind. Mothers, we can only do so much - the rest remains with you - what messages are you sending you daughters? You are their number one influence, and I can only hope that my message tomorrow to these troubled teens affects at least one life.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Why the TTC pisses me off # 2....

Those bastards reached negotiations last night. Their spokesperson had the audacity to gloat about the fact that their union was now the highest paid transit workers in the GTA. It makes me totally sick to my stomach to know that the TTC can totally manipulate the system for personal benfit at the expense of its riders and customers. Instead of focusing on the needs of the city, 9000 workers who can barely read or write are now making more money than doctors and lawyers.

Shame on all of the government for allowing this crap to happen. I would have much rathered go through the trouble of figuring how to get to work, then allowing the TTC to control my movements.

I now hate the TTC more than I did previously! I didn't think that was possible.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

News Talk: Polygamy in San Angelo

Creepy. Really creepy. So here it is. The massive 416 child abuse case, with polygamists living in San Angelo, Texas where they believe that Jeff Warren is the man that will lead them to salvation. Every time I see this on the news I can't even begin to imagine this clash of worlds in our modern judicial system.

I envision all of these women walking out of aJane Austin novel - but more in like a really creepy occult kind of way. I mean just picture the court hearings - a whole bunch of posh Texan lawyers in their fancy Armani suits, and about 1000 women carrying hairdos from the 1800's wearing clothe they have sewn themselves. The contradictions in this arrangement would be worthwhile of a portrait!

While I absolutely DO NOT agree with polygamy, I do respect relgious practice even if there are aspects about them that I do not agree. I believe that we should all be entitled to practice and believe whatever it is that we want to believe so long as we are not causing harm to ourselves or others. This is where the line though becomes very foggy. Including government interference in religious practices, because I also believe that church and state should have nothing to do with one another.

I think that this particular group of polygamists, and a number of these groups that have been exposed and at the forefront of media attention, really require us as a society to evaluate where the line between religion and practice, and government and religion intervene. While I am not here to comment on the practice of polygamy, I will note that for the children involved in this matter - there is no winning for them either way. If they return to their compound and there really was child abuse occuring, they are now again in dangerous and compromising situations. If there is abuse occuring, and they do not allow the children to return the compound, their societal values, social norms, moral practices, and spiritual beliefs do not coincide with the real world. Where do they fit in???

For a younger child (2-5), there may be some hope because they will be young enough to adapt. What happens to the children that are over the age of 10 - or even those who are 16 or 17? Will they ever be able to adapt to a life that doesn't beleive in dominant men, multiple women in a relationship, and fathering more children that most people have in their extended families? This is a sad and scary situation, and definitely one that will go down in the history books.

Notably Canada has hit the radar, as it would appears that BC, has some polygamist groups there - some that may be involved in this 416 child case! The interviews with the women of this compound give you major insight into their training of obeidience. They cleverly avert questions, and intervene if they feel that someone is providing too much information to the press, claim that all they want is their children to be with them - but never once asking what their child might be feeling, or might be needing. The tours of their "clean" homes show no sign of child activity, devoid of toys or anything that would resemble a normal childs life.

I believe that these women's obsession with cleanliness (which if you watch some of their interviews where they claim that they are just like everyone else; as in they have fun, love their families, and teach their children the importance of cleanliness), has to do with the fact they know just how "dirty" their situation is - and by situation I mean feeling guilt for allowing their young daughters to have sex with 55 year old men.

I can go on and on - but I will wait to see how this all pans out... and lets just hope that whatever comes of it, it will set a precendent in dealing with all of these other groups who are abusing their families and children, and abusing provisions that governments have for those in need.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Flick Talk: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Last night my boyfriend and I went to see the movie that everyone has been talking about: "Forgetting Sarah Marshall".

Firstly, I would like to note that I really loved their marketing campaign for this movie - they had posters with clever one liners "I hate you Sarah Marshall", " You look fat in those pants, Sarah Marshall", "No one likes you Sarah Marshall". With absolutely no visuals. This clearly sparked the interest of people by tuning into their curiosity.

Secondly, I thought the movie was brilliant! I laughed so hard in the movie...and really it does do an excellent job of taking you throught the process of trying to get through a break up, and learning to gain control of your situation. The characters were well suited for their roles (although I was less than moved with the actress who played Sarah Marshall).

Mila Kunis (Jackie from "That 70's Show"), looks absolutely stunning in this movie. Can we say total McHottie!!! I always thought that she was attractive, but this movie took her sex appeal to whole other hotness level. I am absolutely positive that there were men that walked out of the theatre with woody's for Mila - (who by the way was Macauly Culkins ex).

Anyways, I totally recommend see it, and if you do go - let me know your thoughts!

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Friday, April 18, 2008

You Say I'm a Bitch Like it's a Bad Thing....

"If you want breakfast in bed, then sleep in the kitchen. "

Brilliant. Just Brilliant.


Why the TTC pisses me off....

Statement by the TTC
TORONTO – April 17, 2008 – The Toronto Transit Commission remains committed to reaching a negotiated settlement with its three unions: a settlement that is fair for its employees and affordable for the people of Toronto. The TTC and its unions are not yet in agreement on how to achieve that goal. The TTC’s bargaining team, however, is working hard to reach a fair deal, and will continue to do so.

The Toronto Transit Commission is mindful of the public’s frustration and uncertainty about a service disruption; its employees, however, deserve nothing less than to continue to be treated with dignity and respect. The Toronto Transit Commission will not comment on the threat of job action at this time. Its focus remains on reaching a fair, negotiated settlement.


Like seriously, are you f*%#king kidding me? Has anyone checked what TTC employees earn? I'm not saying that I want to drive a bus around all day, and especially not in rush hour - but come on! There are nurses and doctors out there who do not make as much as some TTC employees. Riding the TTC everyday too and from work, I have noticed the increase in delays and constant problems that are what have become the norm these days...but there is a part of me that is inclined to believe that often times these "delays" are done on purpose to prove their point, by crippling the system and making it unpleasant enough that riders will voice complaints about their service, so they can further justify their point.

Yes I know - conspiracty talk, now the union is gonna hunt me down...but don't we all want more money? There was a recent study the other day about the fact that most Canadians are over qualified for the positions that they hold, and many people have to deal with crap they shouldn't; like teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Homeless people that make careers out of it, bank tellers. Hellooooo - it is called real life! We all know that they(the TTC) are not going to strike, and they are now twisting arms to get what they want, and the reality is TTC workers will be forced back to work anyways. Here's a thought - why not take the money and purchases more buses, and invest in expanding the subway system.

They recently released a study showing that TTC workers face the equivalent of going into war...or something insane like that. They want more compensation because of the "abuse and post traumatic stress" they face, including 100% pay if they are injured on the job. Are they stating that "If you pay me more, than I will put up with more shit"? I'm no Harvard scholar - but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that paying them more will not alleviate their stresses that they face daily on the job. Perhaps they need to look at spending money in areas of training, operationg effeciencies, and preventative measures.

And another thing - absolutely no one deserves to be physically abused. I start my sentence with that because of the rise of abuse towards TTC bus drivers, but I would like to offer the TTC some advice. HOW ABOUT TEACHING YOUR BUS DRIVERS SOME MANNERS???? How about offering them courses in dealing with the public? How about if they don't want to deal with the public than you don't hire them to drive your buses? Man! Some of these people have got to be the rudist, nastiest people I've ever met.

I've seen people ask bus drivers for directions (as in "Does this bus go to X") in which they do not respond, or respond with "Didn't you check the map before you boarded?" I've seen TTC personnel blame people for doing things that they never did. I once went to purchase adult tickets and asked for 10, the operator gave me 5 - so I politely pointed out that I asked for 10 adult tickets. Her snarky response: "I don't have 10 adult tickets, if I did I wouldn't have given you the 5." It's incredulous! No wonder people are beating them up!

Any buisness that offers a service knows that your frontline people play a pivotal role in representing your organization since they are the ones dealing with the people who use your service. If your frontline people are creating or adding to the problem - PAYING THEM MORE IS NOT GOING TO FIX IT!

There are many TTC people that rightly need a knock upside the head and get themselves in check - and I don't mean physically...although there have been several occasions where I have really wanted to smack a couple of them. Conflict of any sort is the result of mismanaged situations. TTC employees should be trained in conflict managment, and how to prevent conflict escalation - because if anyone has ridden the TTC I know that you know that MANY TTC bus drivers antagonize the situation. People... be armed and pull out your cell phone cameras - document rude TTC personnel and post it on YouTube - and let me know when you do!

Now I am all fired up! Damn this stupid strike - this is the reason why people hate unions. The TTC is already unpleasant enough as it is - the people who work there also don't have to be, and then demand to paid more for it!

For the nice TTC people.
Thank you

As an additional tidbit - this guys article also rocks:

Word to your Mama.

Thank you to my 1 reader and commentor "The Captin".

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why I decided to Blog...

Good question.

So here I am at 26, wondering what the hell I am doing with my life. As many of you know I own a production company that I started when I was 22, and everyday of my life I wonder if I made the right decision. Really it is true. Lots of the time when people go out there and talk about their successes, they fail too mention just what challenges a small business owner faces, and if anyone told you otherwise, they must have been really lucky, financially able to take massive risks, or completely delusional.

I wonder, have other small business owners had near nervous breakdowns and slumps of depression? Do they contemplate giving it all up and disappearing... or is it just me? I realize that I have lots of things to say, and lots of experience to back that up - and really no one that I can share that with because as a business owner we know that perception is everything. Perception in the world of buisness is what makes or breaks business.

Being a television producer in Canada has got to be one the worst ideas I have ever come up with! Who knew that Canada really has a messed up system in supporting arts and entertainment. All those fights that were happening with the government and schools regarding Arts Education cut backs....I didn't get it then, but I certainly get it now.

I want to write a book, what about exactly? I am not so sure, but there is a book somewhere in the midst of my madness - which leads me back to my original discussion and the purpose of blogging. I want to be able to write about my experience, the things that I am facing as a business owner and a television producer. Interestingly enough, our editor for the television series right now spoke to us about involving our lives in the show. At first I was not to keen on the idea because for me, I honestly and truly beleive that the most successful producers have been behind the scenes. Yes, I loved being the center of the universe in my party days, and my share of being in the media, but there has to be something more.

But as the other producers and I sat and talked about it, we began to realize that people have no idea what it takes to get into something like what it is that we do. No idea. They have no idea how many times we have received doors being slammed in our faces, the stress, the lack of sleep...all they see is the final product and assume that we must be millionaires to make our projects work. So...I guess you could say this is also another medium for me. Maybe you'll read what I have to say - maybe you won't - but either way it still remains - I need to write a book!

Here is what I think....

Gem Shop is a truly addictive and pointless game. And... you should play it!

But nothing beats Zuma. Nothing.

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Why Dr.Phil pissed me off....

Ok, I get it - really I do. I know that there is this love/hate relationship with Dr. Phil and I understand why. Here he is, this big ol' Texan, with his psycho - babble and even worse...a confrontational up in your face, getting in your biz guy that Oprah loves.

So, the other I am sure you all have heard - one of his producers bail out this juvenile delinquint cheerleader Mercedes Nichols, after she beats the crap out of her "friend" knocking her unconcious at points. Now granted, she was not alone in this fray, and inevitably had her little cheerleading henchmen, "ra ra" their fists into the skull of their peer, Victoria Lindsay. Of the eight charged in the attack, two remain behind bars in the Polk County jail. All of the teens, who will be tried as adults, face a felony charge of witness tampering, kidnapping and misdemeanor battery charges. Friday a judge set bail for the teens, whose ages range from 14 to 18 years old, from $30,000 to $37,000 (CBS4, April 13 2008: "Dr. Phil" Posts Bail For Teen Accused In Beating).

If that were not enough - these retarded cheerleaders thought they would be clever and video document their contribution to the betterment of society. If you feel like being offended at all , here is the link (warning, this is a very violent video):

Well firstly, Dr. Phil claims that a producer went ahead without his knowledge, and here is something that I know as business owner. Granted - Dr. Phil makes WAY more than me, but one thing is for certain - as a producer you do not invest any money into something that you believe won't make bigger returns than what you invested. $30 000 may be pennies to producers at the Dr. Phil show, but there have been Hollywood blockbusters made with less than that. Get what I'm saying? For someone to take a sizeable amount of money to bail someone out of jail, I don't think it takes a brain doctor to know that many people would have had to say ok to the moving of money. As a previous employee of the banking industry I can verify that moving amounts of more than $10 000 in one transaction involves a lot of red tape, and there is no one that has $30 000 in cash available on a moments notice.

Dr. Phil knew. And just like he pulled the Brittney Spears program - he has now pulled the program on this gril. His son claims to be advocating against bullying in school and yet they endorse a young woman financially that has clearly caused a significant amount of distress in someone else's life. As a previous victim of bullying in my highschool years, I can attest that there are things and effects that will transpire throughout Victoria Linday's life that she won't even realize are associated with this event.

Dr. Phil should have spent that money tending to the psychological, emotional, and physical needs of this young woman - who could quite possibly be a terrible friend or commrade - but no one deserves physcial assault - and more poignantly no one should be made into a TV star for breaking the law. (Yes, I know that this has happened many a time before!) Dr. Phil wants to teach responsibilty to his viewers, and those who choose to come on his show - but Dr. Phil fails to realize that there are all different types of responsibilities - especially one called social responsibility.

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