Saturday, April 19, 2008

Flick Talk: Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Last night my boyfriend and I went to see the movie that everyone has been talking about: "Forgetting Sarah Marshall".

Firstly, I would like to note that I really loved their marketing campaign for this movie - they had posters with clever one liners "I hate you Sarah Marshall", " You look fat in those pants, Sarah Marshall", "No one likes you Sarah Marshall". With absolutely no visuals. This clearly sparked the interest of people by tuning into their curiosity.

Secondly, I thought the movie was brilliant! I laughed so hard in the movie...and really it does do an excellent job of taking you throught the process of trying to get through a break up, and learning to gain control of your situation. The characters were well suited for their roles (although I was less than moved with the actress who played Sarah Marshall).

Mila Kunis (Jackie from "That 70's Show"), looks absolutely stunning in this movie. Can we say total McHottie!!! I always thought that she was attractive, but this movie took her sex appeal to whole other hotness level. I am absolutely positive that there were men that walked out of the theatre with woody's for Mila - (who by the way was Macauly Culkins ex).

Anyways, I totally recommend see it, and if you do go - let me know your thoughts!

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