Celebrity Drama: Miley Cyrus's racy photos

I'm not a dragon or living in a bubble...yes I get it, the world has changed and she is a teen growing up in Hollywood. She has the pressure to be perfect, and perhaps even more so, pressured to grow up a little faster than most teens, but Miley Cyrus has proved to me why my daughter or son will never be allowed to use a computer in their bedrooms. Miley has convinced me that I will have to have those parental security programs on my computer to track my children's activites, because with their cell phones having the ability to take photos, and with Facebook and MySpace dominating their existence - teens can go from hero to zero in a nanosecond.

Miley Cyrus is 15 years old. 15. Let me repeat that. 15 years old. I was 15, 10 years ago... so I haven't forgotten what it is to be 15. I was definitley boy crazy, that was something I clearly recall, falling in love with any boy that walked by me frankly. My girlfriend and I would look forward to going to the all ages clubs and Canada's Wonderland, so that our world could be full of handsome boys, short boys, gangsta boys, tall boys, muscle boys, gino boys, lots of boys.
I can't recall EVER, taking underwear shots with my girls, and NEVER letting anyone get their hands on them that is FOR SURE! I don't understand young hollywood - and I think that old hollywood and young hollywood are at a cross roads. I mean let's get real here, I am sure that there are many crack heads up in the ranks - but at least they kept that shiznat on the DL.
If I saw a photo of my 15 year old daughter flashing her panties and bras on the camera - the last thing I would do is let her pretend to be topless on Vanity Fair. I am not stating that it is not an artistic representation of whatever - but I would save the art for adulthood. Billy needs to take reign of the situation and look at the fall from grace Britney and the Olsen twins took. Fame and childhood seems to be toxic combo, and the last thing that any child needs, is to have parents who pimp her out for kick backs in their retirement. I used to think that Hannah Montanna was a safe bet, after Vanessa Hudgens bared her twat for the world to see and ruined my Highshool Musical innocense ...but Miley's pushing the envelope.
Bettcha at 18 we get a centerfold for Playboy! Bettcha Billy Ray will be there for those photos too!
Labels: Celebrities, Hannah Monana, Miley Cyrus, Photos
Oh god I hear ya these Hollywood kids are nuts but I don't bash them to much cause who knows how we'd turn out if we were born rich and spoiled. KInda glad im average gives me more hope to stay normal.
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