My heart goes out to Elizabeth F., who's 73 year old father kept her captive in a hidden underground room for 24 years and fathered 7 children through forced sex with her. The world is so speechless and cannot wrap their minds around this atrocity.
Of the 7 children, 1 died shortly after birth and he burnt the body. He kept 3 of the children upstairs with his wife, and the other 3 were left down below with Elizabeth. DNA tests actually revealed that he was indeed the father of all 6 children, and had led his wife to believe that Elisabeth F. had run away to join a relgious cult.
The evils that are prevelant in this world are sometimes so twisted and far from human dignity that information of this sort just does not connect with the normal human mind. Authorities in Austria - the homeland of what is now termed the "House of Horrors", also cannot yet comprehend what would cause him to do this. The irony is that Elisabeth (the captive daughter), had other siblings who lived in the home, and had no idea that their father was living a "double life".
I find it very hard to beleive that this man would have only sexually abusive tendencies towards one child alone and leave every other child alone. It is totally unheard of that a child molestar is able to "constrain" themselves. I beleive that Mr. Josef F., was an abusive and controlling man, that harmed his wife and other children, and has had them living so much in fear that even upon this discovery - which any mother would suspect - they have yet to "out" the true devil that he is. For him to die quickly in prison would be an easy escape after providing 24 years of terror to this young woman and her children.
It is at times like this that I wonder how there can be a God, and what is it that we are possibly supposed to take away from this story? How can someone like Elisabeth every function again in life - how can her 3 children function? What is the lesson here? Why would God let something like this happen to anyone - and would it not have been better for her die before birthing children in that small and dark room?
All I know is that she must be a strong women to have endured all of that, and I pray for her and those poor children. I hope that she lands a billion dollar deal for a book about her life, and while that is never going to giver her, her life back - it will at least in some very minimal way make up for absolutely everything that she has lost...her mind, her sanity, her innocense, her trust, and her belief in humanity.
Labels: Austria, child abuse, House of Horrors, News
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